M Sc Linda E. Catania
“Extra Portion?” “ Yes please...!” The selection mechanisms of evolution have pre- programmed addiction. In the time of our ancestors, foods with a high nutritional value - sweets and fats - were in short supply and had to be hoarded if possible or devoured when found, as no storage options were available or known yet. And you never knew when the next period of hunger would threaten. This is how hard-working “feeders” got more offspring: us.
2 Million Years after *Uuhrg With today's food abundance, the environment has changed dramatically. The body or brain is not adapted to it. The reward center of the brain, with the important central nucleus accumbens, regulates the process that leads to addiction with strong addictive substances. Material saturation leads to a feeling of satisfaction, while a loss of concentration leads to a “feeling of deficiency”. (E.g. sugar/insulin control circuit) As a result, the so-called appetite behavior is triggered.
In behavioral research, for example, food-seeking behavior or partner-seeking behavior is called this. This is how the word SUCH-T is understood. In terms of nutrition, it shouldn't be left to chance how to proceed with weight loss. There needs to be guardrails and, initially, a more precise plan. Until new habits are formed. Good news: If the body or brain learns to link the new diet with the better feeling of body and life, then the reward center helps us to stick with the innovation and maintain it.
Reduce weight?  Very often the argument starts like this: AWAY FROM - What do I no longer want? Knowing what you don't want, is indeed a very good starting point. But if it only remains with this initial spark, then at a certain point a vacuum will arise that is very susceptible to former behavioral loops and patterns.   That's why it's helpful to ask yourself as precisely as possible: TOWARDS - What do I want? Your brain needs something like a multi-modal guide to where it should go. If possible, the target feeling should also be felt.  When planning weight loss and a course of action, one of the most important questions is: “What do I think will await me when I reach my weight? Are there any hidden negative aspects?” Is my subconscious trying to help me and masking unpleasant feelings with the urge to eat? What options are there to eliminate the need for obfuscation?
“Extra Portion?” “ Yes please...!” The selection mechanisms of evolution have pre-programmed addiction. In the time of our ancestors, foods with a high nutritional value - sweets and fats - were in short supply and had to be hoarded if possible or devoured when found, as no storage options were available or known yet. And you never knew when the next period of hunger would threaten. This is how hard-working “feeders” got more offspring: us.
2 Million Years after *Uuhrg With today's food abundance, the environment has changed dramatically. The body or brain is not adapted to it. The reward center of the brain, with the important central nucleus accumbens, regulates the process that leads to addiction with strong addictive substances. Material saturation leads to a feeling of satisfaction, while a loss of concentration leads to a “feeling of deficiency”. (E.g. sugar/insulin control circuit) As a result, the so-called appetite behavior is triggered.
In behavioral research, for example, food-seeking behavior or partner-seeking behavior is called this. This is how the word SUCH-T is understood. In terms of nutrition, it shouldn't be left to chance how to proceed with weight loss. There needs to be guardrails and, initially, a more precise plan. Until new habits are formed. Good news: If the body or brain learns to link the new diet with the better feeling of body and life, then the reward center helps us to stick with the innovation and maintain it.
Reduce weight?  Very often the argument starts like this: AWAY FROM - What do I no longer want? Knowing what you don't want, is indeed a very good starting point. But if it only remains with this initial spark, then at a certain point a vacuum will arise that is very susceptible to former behavioral loops and patterns.   That's why it's helpful to ask yourself as precisely as possible: TOWARDS - What do I want? Your brain needs something like a multi-modal guide to where it should go. If possible, the target feeling should also be felt.  When planning weight loss and a course of action, one of the most important questions is: “What do I think will await me when I reach my weight? Are there any hidden negative aspects?” Is my subconscious trying to help me and masking unpleasant feelings with the urge to eat? What options are there to eliminate the need for obfuscation?